Sounds Of Thunder

Delving into the NYC music scene

Monday, October 24, 2005

I'm Hooked

I really hate to admit this, but I spent every waking hour in between classes and such for the last 24 hours reading every single Questionable Content cartoon. I am a pathetic excuse for a human being. I don't know what's more pathetic, that I just read them all, or the fact that I'm now blogging about it. And it's all Eugene Millerman's fault. If anyone is reading this, and knows him... I implore you, punch him in the arm when you next see him. He had to mention it to me, and suggest I read it. I mean, I knew it existed, but it was already to slide 300 something, and I didn't have the will power nor the time to start it. I must admit, I was able to relate to Marten to some extent, and it was a fairly good read, but the unabashed sexual tension confined within that comic is enough make a lesser man strangle some cute animal. So, if you have a lit paper due in two days or something, and are looking for something which you can give you the excuse to procrastinate, just click the link below.

Questionable Content, #1

I did get an awesome quote from it though, in slide 126.

PS - look forward to a review of "Talk In Circles" by the Willowz in the next few dayz.


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